China warnt vor globaler finanzieller Instabilität durch die US-Wirtschaftspolitik

China has urged the U.S. and other developed nations to assess the spillover effects of their economic and financial policies. “The economic and financial policies of the U.S. pose the biggest challenge to global financial stability,” according to the Chinese Ministry

French President Emmanuel Macron on Taiwan: ‘Being an Ally Does Not Mean Being a Vassal’

French president Emmanuel Macron has decided to double down on his strategic autonomy policy thesis, declaring that Europe should not be forced to side with Beijing or Washington on Taiwan. Macron declared that being a U.S. ally ‘does not mean being

Economists Expect the Fed to Reveal Another 25bps Rate Hike Before Pausing for the Rest of 2023

After the March rate hike by the Federal Reserve, economists believe that the recent move by Saudi Arabia and several members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to cut oil production could complicate the central bank’s mission. zusätzlich,…

Russischer Milliardär und Krypto-Geschäftsmann stirbt bei Hubschrauberabsturz in Frankreich

Der russische Finanzier und Kryptowährungsunternehmer Wjatscheslaw Taran ist bei einem Hubschrauberabsturz auf französischem Territorium ums Leben gekommen. The accident marks the latest in a series of deaths of crypto executives and adds another name to a list of Russian billionaires who

Preiserhöhung für Erdgas trifft Krypto-Miner im Iran

Unternehmen, die Erdgas als Energiequelle für die Prägung digitaler Währungen im Iran nutzen, müssen mit einem starken Anstieg des Kraftstoffpreises rechnen. Die neuen Tarife des staatlichen Anbieters sind fast doppelt so hoch wie zuvor…

USA beschuldigen Russen, Venezolaner wegen Sanktionsumgehung mit Kryptowährung

A group of Russian and Venezuelan nationals have been charged by U.S. authorities for their roles in a scheme to circumvent Western sanctions and launder money on a global scale. They have been accused of obtaining military technologies from American companies,…

Devisenstrategen von Citi sagen, dass der Euro sinken könnte $0.86 wenn die Makroturbulenzen anhalten

While the euro has found support between 0.96 zu 0.97 nominal U.S. dollars per unit, foreign exchange (FX) strategists from Citi believe the euro could tap a low of around $0.86 against the greenback. While the dollar slumped on October 13,

EU verbietet Kryptodienste für Russen in neuen Sanktionen wegen Eskalation in der Ukraine

An array of crypto-related services have been targeted in the latest round of sanctions on Russia approved by the EU. The measures are part of an expected tightening of the economic and financial restrictions in response to Moscows decision to annex

S&P Global Report Says EU and UK Are in a Recession, Putin Thinks the West Is Greedy

Heute’s blustery global economy has everyone on edge as inflation has wreaked havoc on the wallets of ordinary people and energy prices continue to soar worldwide. According to Credit Suisse, “the worst is yet to come,” as the global investment bank’S…

Nicolas Maduro lockt den Westen mit Öl und Gas im Überfluss, Der venezolanische Präsident will die Aufhebung der Sanktionen

Amid the economic rumblings across the world and the energy crisis in Europe, Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has said his country is ready to step up and help with oil. Despite the fact that Venezuela has the largest supply of crude